How Does the Partnership Program Work is a training platform to help new breeders learn how to breed insects, and to help existing breeders around the world to become more profitable and resilient.  Below is information on the benefits and the program works.

What are the Benefits

When you become a Partner we provide you with our online training platform which gives you many resources to get you stated with planning and running a commercial insect farm. We now have many partnerships around the world which feed back learnings and problems they experience. We provide advice to these partners to solve problems and provide guidance. We also encourage partners to benchmark production and conduct experiments to develop more efficient methods and cost savings.  We in turn get to learn how people solve different problems and have learnt much also. We then are able to pass this information on which helps the industry move forward more efficiently.

“When we Share Information and Learnings as a Group, we become more Profitable and Resilient as an Individual Business. “

In this way when you become a partner it  provides you with a good network of other breeders and partners who are experiencing similar problems to yourself. For instance we have contacts in the pest management industry who may be able to provide timely advice on pest issues moving forward. We are always learning new things from other breeders which we then share with our partners. With the experiments we have underway with other partners we will be able to benchmark new and more efficient production methods which may benefit you.

Below we describe how the partnership program works. To become a partner you need to read and agree to the following:

How we Communicate

We have designed the partnership program to be very flexible, so you could opt to do any of the below ideas:

  • We can communicate (phone, email, video conferencing) as required to help you to become more efficient.(increase production, reduce expenses and manage pests).
  • We can come out onsite to brain storm ideas.
  • Trial different experiments which we hope to increase production. We do these on a small scale first to prove a concept then scale up once it seems effective.

What Commitment is Required

So that both parties get the best out of the partnership, we ask the partner try to do the following:

  1. Provide updates when you reach major milestones and send through an email about what you have done or learnt. Include photos where ever possible (if you agree to do so).
  2. Once in production send through estimated production rates and  information at least twice a year.
  3. If you get stuck with something send us an email with the problem and we will do our best to provide advice.
  4. Please advise us if your circumstances change and you no longer wish to breed insects. It happens and we understand, but please let us know.
  5. Need to maintain the above for a minimum of 12 months of production.

What the Program Does not Include

The partnership program at its core is all about information sharing. It does not include the following:

  • We do not promote a business for funding. All funding documentation and promotion is your responsibility.
  • We provide general advice and assistance, but the leg work for investigating your proposal is your responsibility.
  • We do not provide specific advice on safety and food standards. Every situation and country has different requirements and it is your responsibility to investigate these.

Nominate What Level of Sharing you Want

We understand that every business will have things they are happy to share, and things they would like to keep inhouse. For example, you could opt to talk through problems you have, and limit or not share this information publicly on the website or online books.  This still helps us understand the operations of businesses. When we provide information in our consultancy, we do not identify any business specifically and keep the information generic.

Before a partnership begins, the partner will nominate what level of sharing you want (please specify a number for both Opt In and Opt Outs. This gives us confidence that you are comfortable with the info we share on our platforms, and we can reference the source if you want this.

Opt Ins

I agree for the following information to be used on our website, books and consultancy:

a)  We are an open book and happy to share all photos and learnings and production rates.

b)  We wish to have all photos and leanings credited.

c)  We agree for some photos and information to be shared, and others not (Specify Opt-Out options below)

Opt Outs

I do not wish the following information to be used on our website, books and consultancy:

d)  All photos but agree to communicate production rates, learnings in meetings and written correspondence.

e)  Some photos and information at our discretion (you nominate which ones you don’t want used).

f)  Commercially sensitive or confidential information we nominate.

g)  We do not want to have photos or learnings credited and want to be anonymous.

h)  Something else not mentioned above (please specify we me at meeting).

How to Become a Partner

Due to strong interest in this program, we currently have all positions filled. With our new online platform, we hope to be able to scale up the partnership program over time. We encourage any prospective partners to submit the information requested in the “How to Become a Partner” section below and we will contact you when a position becomes available.

If you wish to apply for a partnership, please send the following details to our Contact Us page.

  • What type of insect (s) you propose to breed;
  • What scale of operation are you proposing (ie small, medium, large), and the size.
  • What clients do you propose to target
  • How you propose to grow the insects (i.e. in containers or open netted enclosures)
  • What problems you have encountered or problems you anticipate.
  • If you have previous experience you have (not required if your new), what this involved.
  • What specific questions do you want answered.
  • What level of “opt in” and “opt outs” do you agree to (see previous drop down item on this page)
  • Have you read and agree to the “What Commitment is Required” section (see above drop down item on this page. In particular do you agree to the information sharing for a minimum of 12 months of production.

If you haven’ already, you may want to look through the articles in the Commercial Section which will give you some information on markets, common mistakes and production rates.

If you know for certain which species you will be breeding we recommend you purchase the book (Cricket Breeding manual or Cockroach Breeding Manual) prior to the session. This will enable you to ask targeted questions that arise from looking through the photos and text and reduce the time you need for a session.

Scheduling a Video Session (For Approved Partners)

Once you have been approved as a partner, we can organize a video/zoom meeting. We are available on most days from 9am to 8:30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST- Brisbane, Australia).

To choose a suitable time for a zoom meeting please click the below Meeting Planner.  Note that once you have entered both locations and press “show timetable”,  it will give you all the options across a whole day for both time zones (in a table).

Meeting Planner (Click Here) 

In the white box at the top (Place or time zone), type in your time zone and AEST time zones (Brisbane, Australia). Both time zones will appear and you can move the “scroll box” around to pick a time that suits. Email Glenn at and I will  check my availability and get back to you.